mercoledì 20 febbraio 2008
in english
We are the family of Emanuele Lo Bue, an Italian child of 7 years old that is in coma since the last April.
On the 10 of April 2007, Emanuele was brought to the “San Raffaele” hospital, in Milan, for a surgical operation of appendicitis.
We don't know exactly for what reason, but during the administration of the anesthesia, Emanuele remained without oxygen for a lot of minutes, perhaps 15, perhaps more.
Since then, he finds in state of vigilant coma, he is artificially fed, and he has suffered five operations and a lot of clinical exam.
According to the diagnosis, it is in an irreversible condition. But we, his family and his friends, don't want to surrender us. We don't stop looking for information on a possible rehabilitation, on any cares of vanguard or on a possible new operation. In Italy or in the world. There is a hospital in Cleveland, in the USA, where miraculous results have been reached: we are trying to understand if they can help Emanuele too.
Now Emanuele is sheltered in a Center of rehabilitation called “La Nostra Famiglia” and sited in Bosisio Parini, near Lecco. He will be released soon, so we have to prepare the house with all the necessary equipments, to adjust the environments, to acquire a most spacious car and to equip it for the transport of the wheelchair.
Emanuele will need of sanitary, nurses and physiotherapy assistance, and he will necessitate of equipments, machineries, medicines and perhaps operations of vanguard. For this reason, we will be thankful to whoever want to help us in any way: giving us their friendship, collaboration, information and also an economic support. The current account for found raising is the following.
Heading: Salviamo Emanuele
Bank: Banca Popolare di Milano, filial of Cologno Monzese (MI)
IBAN Code: IT22 D 05584 32970
Current account n. 500
Swift Code: BPMIITMM068
Thank you so much!
Eleonora Crespi (Mother of Emanuele, mobile phone 00393332915163)
Desiderio Lo Bue (Father of Emanuele, mobile phone 30039356677031)
Liliana Ricotta (Cousin of Emanuele, e-mail:
On the 10 of April 2007, Emanuele was brought to the “San Raffaele” hospital, in Milan, for a surgical operation of appendicitis.
We don't know exactly for what reason, but during the administration of the anesthesia, Emanuele remained without oxygen for a lot of minutes, perhaps 15, perhaps more.
Since then, he finds in state of vigilant coma, he is artificially fed, and he has suffered five operations and a lot of clinical exam.
According to the diagnosis, it is in an irreversible condition. But we, his family and his friends, don't want to surrender us. We don't stop looking for information on a possible rehabilitation, on any cares of vanguard or on a possible new operation. In Italy or in the world. There is a hospital in Cleveland, in the USA, where miraculous results have been reached: we are trying to understand if they can help Emanuele too.
Now Emanuele is sheltered in a Center of rehabilitation called “La Nostra Famiglia” and sited in Bosisio Parini, near Lecco. He will be released soon, so we have to prepare the house with all the necessary equipments, to adjust the environments, to acquire a most spacious car and to equip it for the transport of the wheelchair.
Emanuele will need of sanitary, nurses and physiotherapy assistance, and he will necessitate of equipments, machineries, medicines and perhaps operations of vanguard. For this reason, we will be thankful to whoever want to help us in any way: giving us their friendship, collaboration, information and also an economic support. The current account for found raising is the following.
Heading: Salviamo Emanuele
Bank: Banca Popolare di Milano, filial of Cologno Monzese (MI)
IBAN Code: IT22 D 05584 32970
Current account n. 500
Swift Code: BPMIITMM068
Thank you so much!
Eleonora Crespi (Mother of Emanuele, mobile phone 00393332915163)
Desiderio Lo Bue (Father of Emanuele, mobile phone 30039356677031)
Liliana Ricotta (Cousin of Emanuele, e-mail: